
I am counting down to the pay day since last week. This is the only thing
motivate me from going to work now. GOOOOD...I started to feel tired to
chat with the students. Some of them are still fun to talk to..but some of
them just gave you those....steel-like looks....It's very difficult to
entertain them!!! ACK!!

And one thing that is worst...I've lost my privileige to watch ONE PIECE on
sundays since one of the coworkers is leaving. MAAAAAN....but it's ok..I

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今天要來學校打電腦之前 在路上看到一個日本女
看久了其實也不起眼 可我就是不知道為甚麼多看了她幾下


天啊 不會是血吧??!
只要腳稍微一離地 高跟鞋稍微鬆脫一點 就可以看到

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The title is a bit too dark...but don't worry. It's not that bad. I am
still fine. ^^"""

The golden week holiday has gone. That's what I meant. I worked 70% of
the holidays and rest about 30%. A little bit tired from overworks, but
save big bucks for the future, so I didn't regret it.

1400 x 49 = 68600!!!! Of course you need to take away the taxes amount...
But still!! That's a lot of money for one week!!
WAAAAAAAAA~~~~Nami ni naru no???

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不過我還是不會遲到 因為我都算好好的 哈哈哈

今天一早的第一件事 是要去文化交流中心上英文課
起先大家先聊自己的興趣 後來講一講 竟然講到日本武士道 XD
因為其中一個學生眼睛雖然不好 但是練劍術有一兩年了

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I was supposed to teach one lesson today but the student called in to cancel
her class because she didn't feel so well. I got free money for this and I
should be happy, but instead I am too sleepy to be happy. /___\

This must be NANA's fault. I read 10 volumes of it in 3 days. Not continously,
but reading JAPANESE comic books is really tedious. I kindda wish I could read
it in Chinese.....

To be honest I wasn't very into the story itself because it's around guys and
girls' relationship issues. Yet there are two things that kept me reading.

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My working schedule is getting wild here!! For the sake of money, I guess
I shouldn't be complaining. But 2 lessons in the beginning of my schedule,
and 2 lessons at the end, leaving a HUGH gap in between...wow...I don't know
how to kill my hours.

So all I can do is writing another diary in English.

Generally speaking, I enjoy my job. My coworkers are all very nice people,
and our students are fun to talk to. The only problem about my job is..NO
EMAIL ACCESS WITH INTERNET. Not only can I read any email, But I also have

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工作掙錢 也要想辦法找時間放鬆
最好的方式莫過於離開東京 到郊外旅遊了
基於這個原因 我們特別挪時間出來參加兩天一夜的小田急巴士秋保溫泉松島之旅

其中包了兩頓午餐 一早餐一晚餐 外加住宿和溫泉
只是到了集合地點 看到我和妹妹算是全團裡面最年輕的

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